NAAUD Mission Statement
The North American Association of Utility Distributors is an organization of select distributors and leading manufacturers that are committed to fostering collaboration, best practices and continuous improvement in the supply chain that serves utilities in North America.
NAAUD is best known for its organization of our annual One-on-One Meetings between distributors and manufacturers utilizing a time-specific matrix at NAAUD’s Annual Meeting.

Select Members
Select in the above context means that the distributor is considered outstanding or special for its leadership, vision, commitment, focus, knowledge and investment in the supply chain that serves electric utilities in North America. This view is based on the local or regional perspective of customers and NAAUD associates and members for the trade areas the distributor serves.
More specifically, the organization seeks out and strives to mentor relationships between distributors and manufactures that have proven track records in providing material, equipment and services for the energy delivery system. The ultimate goal is to provide a supply chain that is stable, reliable, cost-effective and viable.
Members and associates are required to have significant interdependency with transmission and distribution utilities. This interdependency is defined by the degree of commitment, focus and investment the associate or member has relative to the transmission and distribution utility industry. Members and associates must have:
- A significant percent of revenue and earnings generated from sales and services to transmission and distribution utilities.
- A separate sales and service organization with employees and management who are dedicated solely to serving customers in the utility sector.
- Employees and management who have knowledge, expertise and understanding of energy delivery systems and experience working within the utility industry.
NAAUD's Role
In order to assure balance and objectivity across relationships in the supply chain, ownership of members and associates cannot be by a utility company.
One of NAAUD’s most important roles is to provide venues for collaboration among the leaders of its members and associates. Ideas and potential solutions are developed through networking events. As consensus is reached the organization will share its perspective with the leadership among utilities.
From NAAUD’s Articles of Incorporation: … the purposes for which the Corporation is organized are: (i) to foster the business interests of its members; (ii) to promote higher business standards and better business methods within the industry of electric utility distributors; (iii) to establish and maintain uniformity in the customs and commercial usage of the industry; (iv) to acquire, preserve and disseminate valuable business information; (v) to increase the stature and professionalism of the electric utility distribution industry; and (vi) to spread the costs and share the benefits of all things necessary for and incidental to the accomplishment of the purposes and goals of the Corporation.”